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Iran G 179 beige N/a IranIran G 185 beige Granite IranIran G 189 beige Granite IranIran G 190 beige Granite IranIran M 202 beige Limestone IranIran M 203 beige Limestone IranIran M 204 beige Limestone IranIran M 206 beige Limestone Iran
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STONE TYPE: GRANITE | MARBLE | SOAPSTONE | | Ophicalcite | Turkey | Sodalite-syenite | Australia | Brazil | Metatexite | Namibia | India | Finland | Iron ore | Gneiss | Malaysia | Marble | Aplite | Quartzite | Anorthosite | India | Paragneiss | Germany | Sandstone | Black |White |Brown|Beige | Marble-onyx | Slate