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Worzeldorfer Sandstein red Sandstone GermanyWrexen red Sandstone GermanyA. P. Green green Slate IndiaAkbar Multi green Slate IndiaAmadeus green Migmatite FinlandAmazonas Green green N/a BrazilAmazonite green Amazonite - granite MongoliaAndeer green Gneiss SwitzerlandAnemone green Granite GermanyAntique Green green Migmatite fromArco Baleno green Quartzite BrazilArctic Green green Granodiorite FinlandArdosia Verde green Slate BrazilArktinen Aventuriini green Quartzite FinlandAtlantic Green green Granite CanadaBalaban Green green Granite TurkeyBalmoral Green green Granite AustraliaMulticolour Slate grey Slate EgyptNamaqua grey Marble fromNeuhaus grey Granodiorite Austria
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STONE TYPE: GRANITE | MARBLE | SOAPSTONE | | Ophicalcite | Turkey | Sodalite-syenite | Australia | Brazil | Metatexite | Namibia | India | Finland | Iron ore | Gneiss | Malaysia | Marble | Aplite | Quartzite | Anorthosite | India | Paragneiss | Germany | Sandstone | Black |White |Brown|Beige | Marble-onyx | Slate